


克恩县已经实施了ReadyKern, a state-of-the-art emergency notification system that alerts residents & 有关自然灾害和其他危机的业务. The new emergency notification system enables Kern County to provide essential information quickly in a variety of situations, 比如地震, 恶劣天气, 火灾, 洪水, 或者疏散建筑物或社区.



The process begins when Kern County issues a message about a potential safety hazard or concern. Messages will be sent to all standard voice and text communication devices, 包括座机电话, 手机, 电子邮件, 和更多的. 如果你不确认收到留言, 系统将尝试联系您的第二个联系号码或电子邮件. The system will continue trying to contact you until it receives a confirmation from you.


接收克恩郡的重要通讯, residents and business owners must register the voice and text communication devices where they wish to receive messages.

The service allows authorized Kern County leaders to create and rapidly disseminate time-sensitive messages to every telephone number and 电子邮件 address stored in the notification database.

ReadyKern启用Kern县, 只要打个电话或点击几下鼠标, to communicate with thousands of residents and businesses anywhere, 任何时候, 通过家庭电话, 手机, 商务电话, 或电子邮件地址

Any message regarding the safety or welfare of Kern County residents would be disseminated using the ReadyKern system. Examples would include the need to evacuate buildings or neighborhoods because of earthquake, 火, 或洪水, and any other situation that could impact the safety or welfare of Kern County residents.

Initially the system was populated with listed home telephone numbers from the phone companies. Kern County has also provided a registration page for residents and businesses who do not have listed home telephone numbers to provide their contact information. The registration page also allows individuals to provide additional contact information such as a 手机, 商务电话或电子邮件地址. 通过以下方式在线注册 点击这里. 通过邮件报名 下载报名表格 然后寄到表格上的地址. It is our intention and hope that every residence and business in Kern County be included in the notification database.

The Caller ID number for calls generated by the ReadyKern service will always begin with the 661 area code. 除了, every message will begin with an introduction that identifies it as an urgent emergency message.

是的. Residents who have registered their 手机 numbers in ReadyKern will receive notifications on their 手机. Since there are many instances when residents may not be at home to receive an emergency message, we recommend that all residents with a 手机 add their number to ReadyKern.

是的. 区号对是否拨打电话没有影响

ReadyKern will continue to cycle through each and every communication device available until the message is delivered and confirmed by the recipient. To confirm a message, you must listen to the entire message and then press 1.

如果你已经注册了ReadyKern, 点击这里更新您的联系方式.   登录并更新.

No. ReadyKern is a significant enhancement to existing means of mass notification and is supplemental to, 不能代替, 应急人员使用的其他通信方法. During an emergency, television and radio will continue to broadcast important announcements. If emergency personnel recommend that you evacuate, you should follow their recommendations.

Kern County will not share or distribute personal information to the extent permitted by law.

Residents and businesses can opt out; however, we strongly discourage this. ReadyKern may be used to send information that is time-sensitive and critical. 如果您选择退出系统, it will prevent Kern County from notifying you of important and potentially life-saving information. 如果您仍想退出该系统, 点击这里.

If you have more questions about ReadyKern, please send an 电子邮件 to readykern@kerncounty火.org 或拨打211.




如果你已经注册了ReadyKern, 点击这里更新您的联系方式.  登录并更新.


If you have registered for ReadyKern, call (661) 873-2602 and ask to opt-out of ReadyKern.

By opting out of ReadyKern, you will no longer receive emergency notifications.




Option 1:高级注册

选项1引导您到一个安全的网站来创建用户配置文件.  选择“没有账户”后?  Sign up” at the bottom of the page, you will be asked to create your profile.  You will then be walked through the rest of the registration process.


Option 1 allows you to manage your user profile and update your contact information at your convenience.  All information you provide will be kept strictly confidential to the extent permitted by law.




Option 2 allows you to add your contact information without having to create a user profile. You may still manage your user profile and update your contact information at your convenience. All information you provide will be kept strictly confidential to the extent permitted by law.




如果你已经注册了ReadyKern, 点击这里更新您的联系方式.  登录并更新.


If you have registered for ReadyKern, call (661) 873-2602 and ask to opt-out of ReadyKern.

By opting out of ReadyKern, you will no longer receive emergency notifications.



Kern County is pleased to announce the launch of its ReadyKern mass notification system. 有了这项服务, Kern County can send personalized voice and 电子邮件 messages to residents and businesses within minutes with specific information about time-sensitive issues such as emergencies and local community matters.
